Kazma > Case Studies > ATMOSPHERE


Perfed on isn’t an illusion. It’s in fact the ability to achieve what one set out to, and then ask “What’s next?” It is this ethos that drives us at Forum. Established in 1978, Forum has many firsts to its name, from building India’s first intelligent computer-integrated building to designing the first green infrastructure of the world to earn carbon credits to India’s first integrated mall with mul@plex. Le wonder then, that Forum currently has a presence that sprawls over 3.5 million sq of development across Mumbai, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Orissa

Industry- Real Estate

Perfed on isn’t an illusion. It’s in fact

the ability to achieve what one set out to, and then ask “What’s next?” It is this ethos that drives us at Forum. Established in 1978, Forum has many firsts to its name, from build ing India’s first intelligent comput er-integrated building to designing the first green infrastructure of the world to earn carbon credits to India’s first integrated mall with mulƐplex. Lese wonder then, that Forum currently has a presence that sprawls over 3.5 million sq Nof development across Mumbai, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Orissa.

Business objectives and issues


Being one of the leading indal LUXURY Property building company, they wanted their customer to give the same exper ence to understand their vision and standard via dgital platform to come and book a visit to their property via Mobile app, at the same me also provide them macro level details of the property which is being built and give them the idea of the cost structure and payment methods so that customers showing interest to their properes are well prepared saving both of their times and get filtered customers on site.


Understang the requirement we at kazma started the ideal on to design thinking and creaking prototype for them to get the clarity on the same. Aer several brain storming we designed a curative mobile applica Bons for the customers to download from app stores, this was not made public to uses, the data was restricted to access only to customers who are given access from backend team via mobile number verification and authen@cason so that data privacy is maintained, also it was logging users advity on the app on individual level which users was spending how much Eme on which secon of the app to understand the users behavior for the sales team to understand the customer and negolate with them accordingly as these data collected by system


The end product with its functionality resulted in a beer customer experience for the company also the sales process become intelligent and filtered custom- mobile app were provided to the sales ers reach made its for sensible for team for customer evalua@on before business people in the company to the sales team meets the customer for any decisions and manage the me accord- kind of discussion. ingly which at end increased the efficiency of the company over all. Data security was maintained as all design and pašlems were in app no one was allowed to download any thing from the app externally, users advity are logged in case of any I adivity which was wrilerin script of the app found suspicious, that users automatically is logged out and account is suspended, process automaldon is achieved here at certain level to make company move ahead to other level of automation.

Project Details

  • Forum group
  • Case Studies
  • August 12, 2021
  • Software License Management

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